Hyundai Eon price in Nepal (Historical)

Hyundai Eon price in Nepal is ascertained by Laxmi Intercontinental. Over the years, we have recorded and provided you price updates of Hyundai Eon hatchback cars in Nepal. In this section, we aim to provide you the historical prices of Hyundai Eon cars in Nepal. We hope that past prices will be helpful for you to judge the Hyundai Eon cars in second hand market place and make informed decision. Also, it will let you understand the trend of price of Hyundai Eon over past few years, and the availability of different models in those period.

For most recent update from us on price of Hyundai cars, check: Hyundai car price in Nepal

Hyundai Eon price in Nepal

Hyundai Eon price in Nepal – 2019

Hyundai Eon cars were discontinued by this time in Nepal. Therefore, no record of Hyundai Eon price is available with us for 2019.

Hyundai Eon price in Nepal – 2018

Here is the list of Hyundai Eon price in Nepal in 2018. This price was updated during the month of July. In 2018, Hyundai Eon cars came at starting price of Rs. 16.96 Lakhs in Nepal. It directly competed with Suzuki Alto in the small hatchback car segment. It was quite popular as taxi vehicles as well, for its low price.

Hyundai Eon price in Nepal 2018
Hyundai Eon variants in Nepal Price
Hyundai Eon Dlite Rs. 16.96 Lakhs
Hyundai Eon Dlite+ Rs. 17.96 Lakhs
Hyundai Eon Era+ Rs. 18.96 Lakhs
Hyundai Eon Magna+ (O) Rs. 22.96 Lakhs

For most recent update from us on price of Hyundai cars, check: Hyundai car price in Nepal

Or you can message us your queries regarding Hyundai Eon price in Nepal or its specifications at our Facebook page.